Thursday, October 4, 2007

They're Here, You're Not Watching

"They're Here, You're Not Watching"

By: Lani Eyster

For nearly 3 years students from the Journalism and Mass Communications (JMC) program at the University of Oklahoma (OU) have volunteered their time to bring late-breaking news to people on the OU campus, in Norman, and the surrounding Metro area. Unfortunately, it is possible that the number of people working on the program might out number the people watching it. Despite being aired on Cox Cable channel 4* the program is not receiving the viewer ship it deserves, and that’s not a biased opinion based on the fact that I am part of a team working to promote the program because the program has been recognized nationally for its level of excellence.

Here is where some of the magic, if you will, happens. During our site visit we had a chance to look at the studio and take a look “behind the scenes”. I say that because all of this state-of-the-art equipment can be seen by anyone who walks through Gaylord Hall, the JMC building.

After our group meeting with Dana Rosengard, who is this director and founder of this program, to discuss what he was looking for out of the campaign I was concerned with the idea that we have such an outstanding student-run media outlet and it is not being taking advantage of by even the students. However, this year marks the beginning of a new relationship between “OU Nightly” and Sooner Football. The program is now able to produce a special edition of “OU Nightly” that is aired before kick-off each game over the jumbo-tron in front of about 80,000 people in attendance!

I am looking forward to working for such a unique client, and there certainly are a lot of areas that we can increase the number of people that are aware it exists. Although we will have difficulty measuring our success because there is no rating system for the show, I think that even if we can only get a few more people to turn it on the content and presentation of "OU Nightly" can and will speak for itself.

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