Thursday, November 22, 2007

Dreams, excitement, reality, fear..

Going home for Thanksgiving brought me so much excitement. I get to see my family and all of my friends from other schools. But it also brings the reality that everyone will be talking about what they are doing after graduation, their new jobs, and of course be asking me what I'll be doing. What will I be doing?

That is something I always thought I knew. My path was set. I would graduate in 4 years and go on to law school. It was my "dream" - or was it. The more I've thought about it, the more I have realized it was more of a path I had set out for myself, not my dream.

For years I have been focused on school, while spending my free time looking through Brides magazines. This obviously freaked out any guy I ever dated. But this past time wasn't about my dream wedding. It was about everyone elses. I loved reading about extraordinary weddings and events. And I always dreamed of planning them one day.

In fact, the reason I went into public relations as a major is because it listed one of its careers as "Special Events Specialist." That was my dream: to plan extravagent, wonderful events. But it is a dream that seems like is nearly impossible to make a reality.

Graduation scares the life out of me. I have no idea where I will live, what I will be doing, or how well I will be able to do it. I have researched several event planning studios in the Oklahoma area to contact about possible jobs. The most prominent one I would like to work with is Dolly Levi's Event Design Studio. It seems like the exact type of organization I would love to work with. I've Also looked at Event Planning by Leilani, Blueberry Hill Events, and several others. I have finally realized my dream job and I plan to do all that I can to snag it.

I think my experience in Public Relations has truly helped me prepare for this field. It has prepared me with knowledge of design, publicity, and organization of events. It has taught me to look through all angles and consider all audiences, as well as to prepare for possible crisis situations. As scared as I am, I look forward to my future with hope.

1 comment:

SED said...

one of the greatest things about public relations is that it is versatile. you have the option to work in a pr firm, or as a special events coordinator, or even take your degree and head to law school.