Friday, November 16, 2007



The first time I remember seeing my mom reading her magazines was when I was around 5 years old. Every night she would sit and read Vogue, Bergdorf Goodman and tons of other magazines of all different types. I don't know if it was the glossy pages full of bright, colorful pictures or the fact that it was my mom reading it, but after that magazines became a sort of obsession. I couldn't read but I would sit there for hours looking at the countless stories, advertisements and pictures full of glamorous things and people.

Of all the things that have changed since I was 5, the one thing that hasn't is my interest in magazines. Although that's been a steady part of my life, I've had my share of 180s. Born and raised in Oklahoma, all I could think about when I was a teenager is getting out. It's boring. It's slow. Nothing ever happens here. There is nothing to do. Those were just a few of my reasons for wanting to leave.

When I hit 20, something changed. All those reason I had for leaving suddenly became reasons for staying. I started to appreciate the simplicity of life here. Maybe it was maturity, comfort or something of that nature. No matter what caused it, I reached a point where the more I travelled, the more I enjoyed returning home.

As much potential as Oklahoma has, it is still not the ideal place to go into Magazine industry. So there is my problem. Sure, I can still go into the business and stay here which is probably what I'll end up doing, but it would be hard to beat the excitement of working for a prestigious magazine based out of New York City.

With graduation coming up, we all have a lot of big decisions to make. It's a pivotal time in all of our lives. As scary as it is, I'm a big believer in fate and like to think that things happen for a reason. I think maybe that is why these HUGE decisions that I will be faced with don't scare me as much as they should. There is so much opportunity and so many different things possible. With those endless possibilities, there are a lot of chances for things to go wrong but I find some sort of peace in the fact that maybe it is out of our hands. The only thing we can do is our best and go wherever that takes us. So no matter what happens in the future, whether I end up here in an industry I never expected or in some busy city working for a magazine, I know I'll be happy.


EmilyBlakeWorthen said...

This blog really struck me because I'm dealing with the same anticipation. My advice would be-- and I know you're not asking-- but you don't want to look back on your life and regret NOT GOING to NYC or another big city famous for their magazines. What is the harm in experiencing change? If it doesn't work out, your home will be right here waiting for you.

Anonymous said...

NYC has always been my dream location after college as well. I went there this summer and "played local" for a week and it was so much fun. The only thing that really bothered me during my trip was the impersonal nature of the city. I think I may go intern there this summer and then make up my mind.

Charlie Scheihing said...

Awe. good ole NYC. Always an adventure and always expensive. As an experienced NYC traveler I can lay out some positives and negatives.
Positives: Your in the most famous city in the world.
Lots of culture
The best and famous sites.
A lot of money is made.
Really expensive
Hard to see the sky and not much grass
Somewhat dangerous.
New Yorkers live there (haha but seriously don't expect the same southern hospitality)
Oh and did I say expensive (Every night is ten dollar beer night)

All in all I say do it. Why not? Your young and ambitious for only a short time so dont hold back.
Just some pearls of wisdom from me.
Take it or leave it.