Saturday, October 24, 2009

From Small Town to Big Apple

by: Ross Powell

Jake Basden, Media Relations Supervisor at Edelman (New York), graduated in May of 2006 from our very own Gaylord College of Journalism where he earned a bachelors in Public Relations. Since that time he has made quite the wake in the Big Apple.

Growing up in the small town of Stigler, Oklahoma, Basden learned a lot about public relations such as being transparent, friendly as well as gaining confidence. Basden kicked off his PR career significantly earlier than most when he decided to write People magazine at the age of 11.

"I began working in public relations at the age of 11 when I wrote a letter to the editor in chief of People Magazine explaining my outrage in the number of teen pregnancies occurring in my hometown," Basden recalls. "I never heard back."

During his tenure at OU Basden blazed quite a trail serving as advertising account executive for the Oklahoma Daily as a freshman, being exremely involved in Campus Activities Council, and working four years at the OU Alumni Association. Basden says that all of this involvement prepared him to become a quality PR professional but working for the OU Alumni Association better prepared him for line in agency PR than all others.

"My mentor, Tripp Hall, taught me how to deal with a variety of people in a range of situations," said Basden. "I catch myself doing things like Tripp every day."

The summer prior to his junior year at OU, Basden caught his big break when offered an internship at Ogilvy Public Relations in New York where he had much success and returned to work for Ogilvy the next summer as well.

His senior year, Basden was a seasoned enough PR practitioner he worked as a freelance publicist for Lollie's Beauty Bar, Tammy Cain's Carlisle boutique, and an author. Basden also booked segments/stories with local news organizations such as News 9, the Daily Oklahoman, Norman Living magazine, and even some regional radio stations.

"It was great earning supplemental income while doing something I love," said Basden.

After graduation in May of 2006, Basden packed up for New York where full time job awaited him at Ogilvy. Basden worked at Ogilvy for two years before being named by PR Week magazine as Young PR professional of the year (2008). Basden recalls that being the most memorable day of his career.

Shortly after receiving this honor, Basden was offered a position at Edelman (New York) where he is currently working.

A day in the life of Jake Basden is best described as extremely fast pace. Basden's day starts at 7 where he catches up on the news, prepares for client meetings, sends out pitches to national morning shows, takes part in conferences calls and works with fellow teammates until around noon. Basden runs across the street to grab a sandwich (to-go) before racing back to his desk to continue working because there is too much work to be done. After lunch he returns calls, finishes up presentations, contacting reporters, preparing briefs for his clients and trying to set up interviews. After work Basden races off to a Broadway show with a reporter and client, making it home around 11. His day ends around midnight only to wake up and do it all over again.

Basden's best piece of advice to give to a student studying public relations is to get as much real experience in public relations as possible.

"People will judge you by your personality and enthusiasm, but at the end of the day they need to know that you can do the work," Basden said. "Everything counts."

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