Monday, November 9, 2009

Life After OU

Life After OU is a class offered to senior students at the University of Oklahoma to teach them how to perform the everyday tasks required of college graduates. The actual course is a crash course that teaches students about the legal aspect of employment; money, banking and finances; insurance; mortgages; estate planning as well as how to interview and civic involvement. Virtually, all the tasks one needs to succeed when presented with the daunting task of making it in the "real world." I am currently enrolled in this class for next semester but I have mixed feelings as to what to expect.

When I think of how my life after OU will be, my concerns are do not encompass the legal aspect of employment or how to interview for a job. I worry about the fact that there may not be a job available for me when I graduate and that I may just not be ready to grow up.

It is debatable that all college students develop a routine and pretty much stick to that routine throughout college. My routine has been work hard during the week so I can play hard during in my free time. One could say that I have had quite the college experience and some would agree that I am not ready to close the book. Don't get me wrong, I am not some wild child who lives to party, I have merely made to most of my college days. I enjoy being as involved as possible on campus as well as with my greek organization. I have never turned down an opportunity to go on a road trip with the friends and am actually studying abroad over winter break. I make pretty good grades but could teach a course on having a good time.

For me, Life After OU will not only be a class but it will be a concept for me to ponder during my last semester at OU. I'll admit, the criteria of the class will be helpful but at the same time I feel that most college students would benefit more from a crash course in breaking out of our college routine. The things I am dreading most are not finances, insurance, and legal obligations. My concerns are working 40 hours a week while my friends still go out three times a week, where I'm going to work, or where I'm going to live.

I will admit, I am looking forward to the things that will be thought in Life After OU. I truly think this class will benefit me greatly. But I think the class should touch on "how to grow up" or "how to move on from the college life." I may be speaking for myself but I think most students would benefit this as well.

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