Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Come Fly With Me

Come Fly With Me
By: Lesha Boggess

My dream job in public relations would be to work at an airline such as Southwest Airlines, Delta Airlines, or American Airlines. I have always enjoyed traveling and would love to work for a company whose sole purpose is to see that its clients travel safely between destinations. I am pursuing a minor in Spanish and have considered seeking a career in International Public Relations. I feel that working with a worldwide airline would give me the chance to experience some international aspects of public relations here in the United States.

Working for a commercial airline would give me the chance to use the skills I have been learning thus far in college. I would ensure that members of the press were informed about information regarding the commercial airline. My day-to-day activities would include writing news releases, disturbing media kits, and working with the pr team on fact sheets and backgrounders.

The main reason that working for a commercial airline appeals to me is the wide range of issues that I would get to address each day. There is information regarding aircraft manufacturing that needs to be distributed to the right people. Public Relations Representatives for Airlines have a huge impact on consumers and providing people with information is crucial. Security Developments are changing every day, which is the reason that an airline needs a strong PR Team to keep the public aware of developments. I would get the chance to work with governmental organizations regarding safety regulations.

Working for a commercial airline would give me the chance to practice not only international public relations but also governmental public relations. I am passionate about my love for traveling; I want to help get information out to the general public to increase their opportunities to see the world.


Anonymous said...

I think your post describes the job you desire in great detail. I can really imagine your dream job.

Anonymous said...

I also think that doing public relations for a commercial airline would be very interesting. My uncle is in this line of work and he deals with so many issues and I find it very fascinating. I think this would especially be interesting to be involved in since 9/ll.

Anonymous said...

My grandfather was a pilot for American Airlines for 30 years. And it sounds like PR with a minor in spanish will open a lot of doors in that field.

EmilyBlakeWorthen said...

It sounds like you know just exactly what you want to do. You also seem very knowledgable in the area of aircraft as well, which is very important- you're a step ahead the rest. I think incorporating your minor will be very helpful too.