Thursday, November 1, 2007

Events Extraordinaire

Events Extraordinaire

By: Kelsey Martin

Since I was little I have always had a knack for being well-organized and always planning things. My mom has many stories from my development portraying how my aptitudes now have shaped me to be the planner and perfectionist I am today, and hopefully one day it will pay off. As scheduling has always been an interest for me, it was not until my high school years that I found a career that fit me- event planning. I enjoy meeting people’s needs and having a good time at parties and with my planning skills I became very interested in the career. Since then I have worked in many jobs that are in the industry to gain more experience.

As I am now graduating in December and starting to look for jobs the event industry seems much bigger and difficult to get into. I have talked with many people about different jobs in the industry, read books, and even visited event association web pages. After much research, I have decided that I would love to be a top event planner for a prestigious golf club or corporate company. However, getting to that point is going to take some time.

I am now talking to more people in the Oklahoma City and Dallas areas in different venues and country clubs including trying to secure interviews and sending my impressive (hopefully) resume. I know that in the world of the event industry its all about who you know to help you get places. And I think I know a lot of people but lately its not getting me far.

Graduating with a degree in Public Relations well prepared me to conduct campaigns and to represent a company but only until this year in campaigns class have I ever used my event planning skills in a class. However, I feel that the skills I have learned with my Public Relations degree will help me in event planning and to spread my skills further into other career outlets if necessary.

As I now search to get my foot in the door of the event industry, I only hope that after a few years I will reach my way to the top and be in charge of many prominent events and get to use the skills I have developed since a young age and during college in Public Relations.


Anonymous said...

you are so right about "it's who you know not what you know" in the PR world...don't get discouraged! God put you in this place for a reason! Go with it!

EmilyBlakeWorthen said...

Your aspirations are admirable. I think it's very good that you are already looking into things and companies etc. I think it's so unique to have had a passion for something for so long and then to pursue it. Good luck-

Anonymous said...

(please do not post publicly)

Hello, Kelsey, I'd like to get your thoughts for an article I'm working on regarding social media and the meetings/events industry. I'd like to hear your experiences in learning and job hunting and how social media capabilities have impacted you. If you're interested in sharing your thoughts, please drop me a line at

Thank you,

Serenity J. Banks, Editor
Midwest Meetings Magazine