Monday, February 11, 2008

Campaign Evolution

Campaign Evolution

As burgeoning Public Relations Practitioners, we seek to know the latest trends in the industry, so that we are equipped with the knowledge to put our company in the best possible light. In order to keep up with the latest in the field, I leafed through the November issue of PR Week to get my topic: Digital campaigns offer profile upgrades for nonprofits.

Many of us will most likely launch our careers with a nonprofit agency or eventually do consulting work for one. If that’s the case, it is important to know that campaigns are essential to the organization in regards to revenue, awareness and behavior. Public Relations Practitioners should be strategic in their approach by capitalizing on technological resources.

The article stated that most philanthropic organizations only utilize traditional tactics such as: community breakfast fundraisers while neglecting to give their campaign an edge by using the internet. Randi Schmelzer, the journalist who wrote Digital campaigns offer profile upgrades for nonprofits, said that philanthropic organizations should combine both the traditional methods of campaigning and the contemporary. The reason that you should use both boils down to audience participation.

Devries Public Relations states that in today’s world people do not want to “just consume media; they want to be an active participant”. Once your audience is engaged in your digital campaign they might elicit more information about your organization, which could help in changing or maintaining attitudes and behaviors.

Schmelzer said that employing digital campaigns might help with budgeting issues. Many nonprofit organizations seek publicity but do not have a sufficient budget to do so. Online campaign techniques could serve to be cost-efficient promotional tools.

Of course, your campaign tactics should fit the needs of your organization and its target audience. In building those tactics, you should utilize resources that will propel your client’s interest.

To find out more, please visit the following resources:

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