Monday, September 17, 2007

Don Imus fired by CBS

On April 12th, 2007 CBS announced that they had fired Don Imus fired following a racial slur directed at the Rutger's womens basketball team. Imus's termination followed a week full of intense backlash from the public as well as numerous civil rights leaders.
"There has been much discussion of the effect language like this has on our young people, particularly young women of color trying to make their way in this society," CBS President and Chief Executive Officer Leslie Moonves said.
Don Imus was once named one of Time Magazine's 25 most influential people. This comes as a blow to CBS both regarding reputation and income, with Imus bringing in significant income to CBS. and millions in his annual radiothon.
In my opinion, CBS took action far to late. Executives waited until backlash had reached an absolute fever before taking action, and delayed even further still before terminating Imus. The issue should have been addressed decisively immediately.
"Something happened in the last week around America," Monroe said. "It's not just what the radio host did. America said enough is enough. America said we don't want this kind of conversation, we don't want this kind of vitriol, especially with teenagers."
Comments like these were plentiful in the media. Not only was the general public speaking out, but so were guests that had been booked for the show. Many refused to appear. Also abandoning ship were numerous advertisers.
However, Don Imus's multiple public apologies were seemed well though out, and from a public relations stand point, were smart in their bluntness, and swiftness. In the end they had little effect. Don Imus lost his job.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im not a fan of Don Imus, Ive always thought of him as one of those media egg heads ( Howard Stern, Ann Coulter, etc) who say outlandish things just to get some attention. The Don Imus situation shows that sometimes having a little class will get you a lot further than having even the best PR team behind you.