Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Media Relations in the Public Relations Profession

Jill Harrison is the manager of Public Relations and Image Development at the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber in downtown Oklahoma City. At a young age she has accomplished a successful career in the field of Public Relations. She is APR certified and she has received many awards in her field.

Jill Harrison, Manager of Public Relations and Image Development

Photo e-mailed to me by Jill Harrison

She received her degree in Journalism and Mass Communication with an emphasis in Public Relations and a minor in Spanish from the University of Kansas. In April of her senior year she began to look for a job for after graduation. She sent out her resume and other information to potential employees looking for a job. She also sent information to her advisor. One day her advisor received an e-mail about a job and recommended Jill for it, and that is how she found her first job.

I asked Jill what they hardest part about her job is and she laughed and said it depends on the day.

“For the most part working in media relations I have had difficulty because reporters have become so busy with covering so many different stories,” said Harrison. “Even when you send them newsworthy stories they do not always have time to cover it. I know they are very busy with so many stories, but they tend to be very short with you and are difficult to work with.”

I asked Jill what she would recommend to future Public Relations professionals such as myself and she was very passionate about her answer. She strongly recommended the following things:

  1. Show up
  2. Be on time
  3. Have a good attitude
  4. Never say something isn't your job
  5. Try
  6. Ask Questions

Find tips on being a successful intern

“There are some things they are not able to teach you in school,” said Harrison. “These tips are all things you should know before going in to a job interview. Some things come from learning and experience, but there is nothing more important that good work ethic.”

Meeting with such a successful Public Relations professional such as Jill was such an amazing opportunity. I enjoyed getting to know her and she is definitely someone I would love to be my mentor as I enter the professional world.

Advice from a PR Professional

Influences from the Past

Four years ago as I considered what my ideal career path would be, I remember looking back to my conversations with our family friend Julie, a Public Relations professional at CBS San Francisco. These conversations have impacted my life and helped with my decision to enter the world of Public Relations. I recently got in contact with Julie to fill her in on my time at the University of Oklahoma and learn more about her life in San Francisco.

History of Success

Julie Pearson graduated at the University of Texas and has now been a public relations professional for 35 years. Pearson and her family of four moved to California after her husband found a job, and for the last 22 years she has worked at CBS Broadcasting in San Francisco. What she loves most about her job is the large number of people she gets to meet and the opportunities it provides her.

“Working at CBS, or rather in the Public Relations field in general, has introduced me to so many interesting people,” Pearson said. “Not only do I come in contact with so many people, but I actually form relationships with them that will last a lifetime.”


Pearson was enthusiastic to give me advice for my career as I told her I would be graduating shortly. She emphasized my need for networking and keeping in contact with everyone I meet, and explained the many opportunities made available to her through networking.

“You never know what the smallest conversations with new people can do for you,” Pearson said. “It’s extremely important to keep in touch with someone after you first meet. A simple e-mail can make all the difference.”

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Photo: Courtesy of Julie Pearson

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Public Relations: Follow Your Dreams

Choosing a Career Path

Megan Hundahl knew what she wanted to do with her life in grade school. She looked on with teachers and peers as the space shuttle Challenger exploded over the Atlantic Ocean. From then on, Hundahl became infatuated with national television news.

Achieving Goals

After graduating from Baylor University in 1999 with a bachelor’s degree in communications, Hundahl moved to New York. During her junior year in college Hundahl interned with Good Morning America and kept in touch with her boss; as a result, after graduation she began work in the booking department of Good Morning America. For 10 years, Hundahl was responsible for booking all the live guests for the show.

Currently, Hundahl is working in Uvalde, Texas as the head of public relations for Uvalde Memorial Hospital.

Everyday Challenges

In her public relations career, Hundahl finds the most difficult part of her job to be keeping ideas fresh. In order to do that she says, “You have to do a lot of reading and research.”

Advice for a Young Professional

Hundahl offered some valuable advice for those thinking of entering the public relations profession, “You have to work your way up. You have to learn every level because every level is important to your overall strategy—which is to do the best work for your organization.”

Lastly, Hundahl added, “Don’t get frustrated because you’ll learn more from failure than from success.”

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Molly Myers