Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Advice from a PR Professional

Influences from the Past

Four years ago as I considered what my ideal career path would be, I remember looking back to my conversations with our family friend Julie, a Public Relations professional at CBS San Francisco. These conversations have impacted my life and helped with my decision to enter the world of Public Relations. I recently got in contact with Julie to fill her in on my time at the University of Oklahoma and learn more about her life in San Francisco.

History of Success

Julie Pearson graduated at the University of Texas and has now been a public relations professional for 35 years. Pearson and her family of four moved to California after her husband found a job, and for the last 22 years she has worked at CBS Broadcasting in San Francisco. What she loves most about her job is the large number of people she gets to meet and the opportunities it provides her.

“Working at CBS, or rather in the Public Relations field in general, has introduced me to so many interesting people,” Pearson said. “Not only do I come in contact with so many people, but I actually form relationships with them that will last a lifetime.”


Pearson was enthusiastic to give me advice for my career as I told her I would be graduating shortly. She emphasized my need for networking and keeping in contact with everyone I meet, and explained the many opportunities made available to her through networking.

“You never know what the smallest conversations with new people can do for you,” Pearson said. “It’s extremely important to keep in touch with someone after you first meet. A simple e-mail can make all the difference.”

Additional links:

Photo: Courtesy of Julie Pearson

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