My Time Has Come
by Erin Jackson
In August 2005, this time in my life seemed so extremely far away. Graduation day was definitely a goal I had in mind, but it was something I pushed to the back of my mind, behind all of the research papers, group projects and mid-term exams I currently had to focus on. Now, as I am a senior at the University of Oklahoma in my last semester, that day is becoming all the more real… as is the fact that in less than one week, I will have to face the real world. I have to admit that part of me if frightened by it all, especially in my search for a full time job. Will I do well? Will I be able to compete amongst all of the other recent college graduates?
During my time at Gaylord as a public relations student, I have been challenged in more ways than I originally imagined. I used to be hesitant to take on those challenges put before me, but I am now thankful for each one, as I know that it will only help to build my marketability when I enter the workforce. After I graduate from OU, I will head to Dallas, TX to pursue a career in public relations. I know that when I am going on interviews and when I eventually land a job, I will be prepared for whatever task I am handed.
I am very thankful for all of the experiences I have had at OU, especially in the Gaylord College. It has not always been easy of fun, but I know that every experience