Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Cameleon Of Careers

The Cameleon Of Careers

Public relations is very broad and allows for a practitioner to have a wide range of choices when deciding which aspect of the field they wish to enter. Although I am not one-hundred percent sure where I will end up after I graduate, my dream job would lead me to California. There, I would use my public relations skills and knowledge to become an event promoter for different clubs and clients. This is a competitive part of the public relations industry and would take a lot of discipline and networking to be successful in, especially in California where people like me are a dime a dozen. It seems everyone moves there for life in the fast lane, and is never really as successful as the next person. If I eventually got tired of life on the west coast, which I’m sure I would, I would also like to try living in Chicago or New York for a little while. That’s another exciting thing about the range of work public relations professionals can do--they can work almost anywhere the choose. One of the most interesting parts of what I’m learning to do is networking. I really enjoy meeting new people and seeing where that might lead me. Meeting new people is inevitable when you do almost anything public relations related, and you never know who you might be talking with next. This keeps you on your toes and trains you to always be prepared and at your best. I guess what I’m saying is that although my dream job is not exactly set in stone, that’s okay, because I’ve chosen a profession that is as adaptable as I want to make it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The unlimited opportunities is one thing that attracted me to PR as well.