Thursday, December 6, 2007

Livin' the Dream in the Big Dub

My dream job in public relations is a little off the beaten path. I have in fact, been called a nerd because of my choice. I don’t dream about working in Hollywood as an agent or representing spoiled athletes or being an event coordinator to the stars. No, my dream job is working as the press secretary for the President of the United States. I was sixteen when I first discovered what I wanted to do when I graduated, and my enlightenment came from the TV show “The West Wing.” As an avid amateur politico that had been weaned on the Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, I was immediately drawn to the fast paced world of the President’s executive office. It was also quickly apparent to me that in the boy’s club of the show, I had found a role model in C. J. Cregg, played by Alison Janney. Cregg was smart, funny, and sarcastic, all things I wanted to be. And what a job! She was the gate-keeper to the American people. Later on in the show, they showed what Cregg had been doing before she went to work for the president. She apparently worked for one of the biggest public relations firms in Los Angeles as a promoter for movies. That’s when I knew that I should major in PR when I finally got to college.
In pursuit of my goal, I have tacked on a political science minor and have gotten involved in political campaigns. I am currently volunteering for Senator Andrew Rice in his bid for US Senator against incumbent Senator Imhoff, who once stated that global warming was the “biggest hoax perpetrated against the American people. I wish I was joking on that one, but it actually happened. I am also a member of the street team for Rock the Vote. I’m not sure if I’m on the right path to my dream job, and I know that I’m going to need a Democratic president to work for, but look out for me any way in a few years. I may just be getting mocked on Saturday Night Live, like my poor friend Dubbya.

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