It is 2008, and we are in the age of the Internet. Every commercial boasts a web site address, shopping from the comfort of your desk chair is as easy as the click of a mouse and everyone and their mom (and dad and brother and sister and even grandma and grandpa!) have an e-mail address. Therefore, it is no surprise to find that the days of paper press releases being walked and mailed to newsrooms are on the way out in favor of this high tech option. Public relations professionals can find e-mail an invaluable outlet for their press releases, but with more than 215 million Internet users in the United States alone, it is extremely possible that newsrooms are inundated with information.
According to the Media Relations Maven, also known as Margo Mateas, the president of the Public Relations Training Company, there are several things that will make a press release stand out among the masses. In her February Tactics article, Mateas outlined the basics for submitting e-mail press releases. Prominent use of key words, article and section allusions and links are among the specifics mentioned in the article.
The e-mail press release has far more possibilities than its older paper counterpart. Public relations professionals can absolutely use this technology to their advantage by tweaking some of their basic press release writing tactics. With the ability to embed images, include links for more in depth information and the ease of accessibility, e-mail press releases may soon be an indispensable tool for contemporary public relations.
For further reading:
How To Write An Efficient E-mail Press Release
Sending Press Releases Via E-mail
Press Release Writing and E-mail Tips
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