Sunday, March 30, 2008

Increasing Awareness and Promoting Nostalgia

Our group, Innovative PR, was assigned Sooner yearbook as our capstone client. Sooner yearbook is a publication of Student Media, a department in the University of Oklahoma's division of Student Affairs and has been having a difficult time on the OU campus with sales.

Innovative PR began conducting research for the client with a focus on reaching their target audience of graduating seniors. We established specific colleges to target and distributed a survey to the colleges of education, atmospheric and geographic sciences, earth and energy and engineering.

Thus far, the survey results have revealed that many people are not aware of the Sooner yearbook and even more people are not likely to purchase a yearbook. We also discovered the Sooner yearbook suffers not only from lack of awareness, but that many college seniors do not view the yearbook as a necessity. In response to these results, Innovative PR decided to increase awareness and also promote nostalgia on the OU campus.

Promoting nostalgia and increasing awareness have proved to be difficult tasks with no budget and no superior support. However, we have decided to participate in an event that will accomplish both of our objectives. It is our belief that Sooner yearbook needs to become more involved with the rest of campus and to do so, we will be distributing stickers at the Big Event that say “Your smile is a Big Event in OU history.” We will also have a link to our MySpace page that we created specifically for the Sooner Yearbook. Our research suggests that MySpace is an excellent venue for the Sooner yearbook because it has a larger base population than Facebook and allows organizations to create a page instead of just individuals. The website contains information about the yearbook and, after the stickers are distributed, the page will feature Big Event participants wearing their stickers.

All in all, our client’s problem is simply that of belonging to a declining industry but we are confidant that our research and planning abilities will contribute to the success of the Sooner Yearbook.

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