Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The New Rules of Marketing and Public Relations

By Brittany Atwood

Originally this book was started on David Meerman Scott’s personal blog about marketing and public relations. In January 2006, he published an e-book and since it’s debut has been downloaded over 200,000 times. This is clear evidence that we are in a time where the Internet is a major form of communicating.

The New Rules of Marketing and Public Relations is not a book solely written by Scott. The book contains comments and suggestions that he received on his blogs as he wrote chapter by chapter as a blog. He used these suggestions as a way to make his findings more effective.

According to David Meerman Scott, corporate blogs are emerging as one of the most effective ways for different types of businesses to tell their stories directly to the public. Audiences are hesitant when viewing traditional forms of advertising such as print but with a good blog companies can showcase their abilities to go above and beyond what is needed of them.

In the old days, companies could only communicate through the expensive forms of advertising. However, blogging in today’s time changes the rules. We all know from experience that not only is it hard to get people’s attention but it is also hard to keep their attention. Blogging allows you to focus on getting the right message to the people at the right time.

Scott talks about the Internet in terms of people not just another form of technology. He discusses the ramifications of the web needed to pertain to the average person. He uses a variety of case studies throughout his book that makes the information more real. I think real life examples are important to showcase in terms of Scott’s views.


David Meerman Scott said...

Thanks for writing about my book. Indeed as I was preparing the paperback edition (which came out January 2009), I also relied a great deal on the comments I received on my blog. David

Leah said...

I remember hearing about public relations practioners getting on blogs to leave comments about video games they were representing. They knew that video game "connoisseurs" read these video game blogs so they used blogs to get to the buyers. It turned out to be really successful and cost absolutely nothing. Its amazing how useful blogs can be and it seems this book would be really interesting!

bRob said...

Seeing as your author has commented, blogging is very up and coming in today's PR world. I was not very familiar with blogging before this class. It is interesting to see how accessible it is to anyone.

OUAshley said...

I agree that blogging has become an important form of communication. I enjoyed reading your view of the book because I had never heard of it. I liked that his book included the comments from others on his blogs. This showed that the author was connecting with his audience. Blogs are something that everyone is capable of participating in, but one must know how to keep people interested in coming back to read their blog. I am intrigued with the part of the book that talks about corporations and the part that blogs play in that.