Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cancer Paient Moves On

Cancer Patient Moves On

By Aaron Vossen

Cancer Blogger moves with changing times

Drew Olanoff, twitter user @drew, is auctioning off his user name then giving the proceeds to the LiveStrong Foundation. Who do you ask would ever want to purchase this user name; none other than comedian, television host Drew Carey who bid $100,000 and if he has 1,000,000 followers on December 31, he will donate $1 million. Where ever the follower count stops so will the cash, so we can all hope that Drew will get a large following to help this young man and cancer research.

Twitter as we all know is a very famous status update website and while some may believe this sort of thing to be silly, or childish others will be using this medium to help others who will come after them much like Olanoff.

Just like from the book Who Moved My Cheese, Drew Olanoff could have been stuck to his ways and not done a thing much like Hem. Instead, he acted like Haw, thought of something clever, and helpful, to benefit research and went with it. Who would have ever imagined that Drew Carey would have seen this tweet and begin with a $25,000 bid, moved it to $100,000 and offered to take it all the way to $1 million if enough people became his followers?

This is just one example of how twitter can be used to help people and more things like this can and should be done. I think that both Olanoff and Carey should be proud of what they are doing to help cancer, and I know I will became a follower of Drew, @DrewFromTV, and I hope you will to.

Photo taken by Mike Carano


Aaron said...

This blog is so well done. Congrats to Aaron Vossen, smart, handsome and a spectacular young man.

Mikaela said...

I am now a follower :)

Dr. C said...

Gee Aaron. I like your completely unbiased evaluation of this blog. Cute, but the comment won't count for credit. However, the blog topic is great and highlights a unique campaign using new media. I like Drew Carey!