Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Living the Dream

"Living the Dream"
By: Natalie Vaughn

When we join the ranks of the professionals, we can only hope to love our jobs as much as Kerry Howe does hers. Howe is the Assistant Media Relations Director for the Arizona State University Athletics Department. She also serves as the Sports Information Director for several individual sports, including the 2008 NCAA Champion softball team. Beyond that, Howe is also affiliated with Atlantic Records as the Marketing Representative for the Phoenix area.
Overall, Howe has been in the public relations field for nine years. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree from Arizona State University in Journalism and Mass Communication with an emphasis in Public Relations in 2005 and is currently working on her Master's degree. Howe has also worked with other organizations including the Phoenix Suns, Arizona Cardinals, the Phoenix Roadrunners, and the Public Information Office for the City of Phoenix.
Because she has held so many positions, Howe has a lot to say about the most important things to know as well as skills to have in order to be successful in the public relations field. The first is to know how to utilize technology. "The PR world today is technology heavy, from using InDesign to writing code to something as simple as Twitter," Howe says.
Another important thing to know when practicing public relations is the demographics of your target public. "In Phoenix within the sporting world, it's hard to battle because it's one of the most over-saturated sports markets in the country," Howe explains. "But if I hone who I'm sending release and information to, I get a better response from those who would be actively interested in my sports stories."
While some people choose to be an expert in only one field, Howe suggests being a "jack-of-all-trades" instead. She learned this after her stint in the Phoenix Public Information Office. Even though she did not enjoy her job there, it helped her in her role in the sports arena. Howe says, "It sharpened my writing and AP style while forcing me to constantly write out of my comfort zone."
The last two skills that Howe suggests for public relations professionals are a solid work ethic and sense of humor. Howe says that since public relations is more of a 24 hour a day job rather than nine to five not just anyone can make the cut. She explains, "it's not just your job, it's someone's reputation, livelihood and business that's on the line." As far as sense of humor, Howe says that something is always going to go wrong. It is better to laugh if off and find a solution instead of being weighed down by negatives.
In closing, Howe gave me one piece of advice for aspiring public relations professionals: "Just because one section of PR isn't for you, like government wasn't for me, doesn't mean every section of PR isn't for you. Try it all!"

For more tips on how to be successful in public relations, please visit:

Successful Media Relations

The Public Relations Career X Factor

The Perfect Public Relations Personality Type

Getting the Media Attention You Deserve

From a PR Intern to a PR professional: Tackling the Transition

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