Monday, March 8, 2010

Love What You Do

March 8, 2010
Love What You Do
By: Shea Cannon

Larry McAlister, Partner of Crosby Volmer International Communications, has worked in the public relations industry for over 20 years. Larry began his career with one intern and a typewriter. He worked as a Sports Information Director for the Oklahoma City University. He was responsible for the publicity and promotion of 13 NCAA Division I sports. He always loved sports and he loved to write. Public relations brought those two passions together for Larry in a single career. When he began his journey in public relations, Oklahoma State did not have a public relations major, so Larry majored in Journalism with an emphasis in Advertising. He knew he wanted to work in the public relations industry from then on. No one really influenced him in his career, but he credits much of his success to a few really talented bosses who helped along the way. “My path was unconventional- certainly had a big learning curve going from a collegiate sports environment, where media was contacting us for coverage to a corporate PR environment, where we pitch media all the time. But I always knew I could write, think on my feet, and enjoyed talking to people. The rest I picked up along the way. Lots of adjustments and transitions over the past 10 to 15 years to be sure,” said Larry. He believes the most important PR professional must-haves include writing and people skills, personality, strategic thinking, and creativity. His advice to future professionals is to do what you love. Follow your passions, and in return you will be the most successful.

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