Tuesday, March 23, 2010

“There is always a need for public relations”

By: Christy Ferguson

There is always a need for public relations--

Third Degree Advertising is an agency that focuses on helping brand companies to give them a clear and distinguishable identity within the community. Although a fairly small agency, they help companies create unique campaigns that will be noticed by their target publics. Karla Bradshaw, although not an advertising expert, is highly important within the company because of her long-time professional background in public relations.

Bradshaw received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) and double-majored in marketing and public relations. She has had 15 years of experience working in the fields of communication, public relations, marketing and sales. With all that hard work, she earned the title of Director of PR and Marketing at Third Degree Advertising.

“I am an avid member of Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) and really enjoy being able to have students come shadow me and my colleagues working hard at Third Degree Advertising,” said Bradshaw.

Before Third Degree, Bradshaw worked other public relations jobs and realized that it was time for a change and a more “open, conversational environment.” Bradshaw believes that it is very important for there to be open communication at the work place in order for it to be a helpful and construction working environment. The open communication allows for the employees at Third Degree Advertising to efficiently pitch ideas to their clients and/or potential clients. Bradshaw believes that when the marketing, public relations, art department and advertising department work as a team it allows everyone to be on the same page, which leads to people doing collective work for the client.

As an employee and team member at Third Degree, Bradshaw works by the motto which is “we serve it up daily is fresh, hot, friendly and right.” According to Bradshaw the motto means that they want, “a fresh new approach to marketing and advertising, with a hot leading-edge creative product and a passion for client-friendly processes.”

Bradshaw used her journalistic and technological skills to help create a Web site called Credit Union Savvy. This site helps credit unions target their specific publics, provides the audience with case studies based around credit related issues and also helps to differentiate credit unions from each other.

Along with being very professional, Bradshaw was very sweet and willing to give up some of her time to help out a future public relations practitioner. Her advice to a future professional is that you should do what you think feels right. Having a job that you don’t enjoy is never the route a young professional should go. Bradshaw clearly stated to me that no matter where you work, there needs to be open communication within the workplace so that everyone can be on the same page. Whether a young PR professional works for an advertising agency or marketing firm, there will always be a need for public relations help. She left me by saying that she thoroughly encouraged students to join Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) to get a feel for what they can do for public relations and what public relations can do for them.

After talking to someone who was so passionate about her work, it really made me want to find a job that I could enjoy just as much. Although I do enjoy the public relations field, I think I still have some serious job searching to do before I find a job that suits me perfectly. I have come to realize that my first job probably won’t be my dream job, but I can definitely work towards that in my future.

Top picture provided by Third Degree Advertising Web site

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