Friday, October 29, 2010

Walmart Joins the Blogosphere

(Image from

Walmart Joins the Blogosphere

By: Kathryn Collins

The Walmart Corporation has created one of the most successful super stores in the entire world. Due to its low prices and its ability to relate to everyday people, the store has shown that it can continue to climb the charts of accomplishment. The creator of Walmart strives to exceed to expectations of the client and eliminate any inconveniences. However, the store has not had the best reputation in recent years.

Despite its overwhelming success, Walmart has received a lot of complaints from clients and workers over issues such as health benefits and low wages. In order to improve its image and clear up any misconceptions about the corporate, Walmart has launched a blogging campaign. The goal of the campaign is to bind up wounds with employees and consumers by giving positive feedback to their concerns. I believe that this strategy is beneficial because it allows Walmart to be more personal with the target publics through direct communication. It is crucial in a campaign to relate to your audience and address any possible complaints.

Although this campaign seem as if it would clear out any negative talk about Walmart, there have been reports of "flogging," or fake blogging, through social media campaigns. Bloggers are sometimes paid to write positive things in order to improve the image of the company. How can the corporation be trusted with through a false campaign? Also, Walmart has failed in a previous campaign utilizing social media through Facebook. This campaign failed due to a lack of dialogue with the audience. Public relations for Walmart needs to focus on interactive communication between the audience and the corporation. Is social media really the best tactic for a public relations campaign?

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