Thursday, October 18, 2007

"OU Nightly" is on... nightly.

"OU Nightly" is a Gaylord College sponsored television news program appearing on TV4OU (Cox Channel 4) Monday through Friday at 4:30 pm and re-aired at 9:30 pm. This award-winning broadcast covers not only campus happenings, but current events from across the state and across the nation.

The program features a dynamic cast of charismatic anchors and features segments pertinent to the Norman and Oklahoma City communities. It is important for us to inform potential viewers of the program's existence, and to encourage viewership. We have been working closely with Dr. Dana Rosengard, the program's sponsor and executive producer. We have several strategies for increasing awareness and viewership of the program.

There are several target audiences we are trying to reach with this campaign. The first is of course current OU students. "OU Nightly" student produced broadcast and contains tons of information relevant to OU students. Next, are Alumni of the university who may feel out of touch with the OU community. Watching "OU Nightly" gives alumni an opportunity to stay connected with occurances at the university. It is also important to attract the attention of OU faculty and staff, because the information being reported pertains to faculty and staff as much as it does to students.

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