Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pro Bono Legal Clinic

Pro Bono Clinic Work

The law clinic at the University of Oklahoma is designed to assist walk-in clients in Oklahoma who need legal help. There are several reasons that people use these free services, and receiving free legal council is definitely one thing that clients enjoy. Our group has been working with Cheryl Wattley, head of OU Legal Clinic, for the last month on designing ways to get students involved in the legal clinic. While we are mainly focusing on raising awareness and involvement of students in the legal clinic, there are several other publics we are paying attention to as well.

The faculty at the law school is very important to recruit and show the benefits of the legal clinic so that they encourage students to be involved. The law clinic staff is also important to keep up to date on everything that is going on in the clinic, like the schedule, so that they can better assist potential law clinic members and those who are already involved. The last public that will be important to reach out to are the alumni of the law school at OU. They will be able to assist not only with money donated to the program, but more pro bono work that they can let students work on that they will be able to check when they are done.

We are planning the event right now that will most likely be held where three of the four publics spend there time, in the law school. We are still finalizing the details and continuing our research and planning to have all our plans succeed.


John Cook

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes people never seek the justice they need because they can't afford legal help. The pro bono work that is being done is great.