Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Past Few Weeks

John Donat
Blog #2
Past Few Weeks

Times have been busy and very hectic over the past few weeks. The busiest I have ever been. In several ways I am finding out who I am and where I want to be. For most of the last few weeks my group and myself have been find out about our campaigns project dealing with Center for Children and Families or CCFI. During this process, we have found out many families around the Cleveland County area are in need of help from the community. Not everyone is a natural born parent and need assistance in finding out the best ways to support their children.
By speaking with the representative from CCFI, Whitney Russell, my group and I have discovered that by our contributions toward helping get items donated we can help the organization become more recognized in the community and that means their reputation for later events and requests will be sturdy so that more people will help contribute in the future. Because we are helping a nonprofit that helps people with problems any one can have I feel there is more of a relationship because my parents are divorced and have had issues and CCFI is a place that lends a helping hand and advice for people like my parents who are dealing with divorce.
I am scheduled to go in to CCFI and take a tour this Friday (10/12/07) and learn about what happens there everyday with the volunteers and limited staff. From what I have heard it is a very sad and emotional tour, but it will be informative and a necessary step in recognizing what CCFI can offer the public. After the tour I am going to develop a plan on what I am going to do so that I can contribute to my group and CCFI to show I am a much needed contributor to both. Some ideas are already being considered but I want to have a full understanding about what CCFI needs most before I start talking to much because I do not want to come back and contradict myself later.

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