Tuesday, November 6, 2007

First Steps- by John Donat

The stress of passing all my classes, nerves, worries, and long hours at the library are all occurring at the same time and it is a scary thought that after next month college and schooling, for the most part, will be over. Of course there is going to be learning still going on, but that will be so that I can get paid more money to support my family rather than passing all my classes. I am not going to lie and say college has been a piece of cake. Sometimes it was very hard and cramming several different projects into a single week was hell. Now, I know what you are thinking, "You should have managed your time better." And that could be true but remember how hard it was to get everyone together in your group. Especially, if your had over five people.
Let me remind you it’s not easy.

After Christmas break I hope to have a job lined up and waiting for me. The hardest thing about achieving this is that I have to look for jobs in Florida while I live in Oklahoma. I am taking all the right steps and getting as much input that I can handle. Let me be honest again, I know there are others that are harder workers in school and get an "A" on everything but I would be willing to bet they have not had the amount of enjoyment of meeting people, going to events and pure fun that I have. I would rather take the "B" or even "C" and excitement any day. I firmly believe the groups I have been in throughout college have taken something away from the group because I was a part of it and made everyone work hard but also be relaxed for the most part. Straying away from the normal and taking a chance on being unique. Not too far of unique, just so you don't get a "oh my gosh" impression.

Finally, in about a month I am planning on graduating from college and take my "First Steps" into the world as a businessman. I do not plan on changing much but I will conform slightly to get and keep a GOOD job. Not just a job. Ultimately, I will do whatever I have to in order to make myself happy and not fold for anything or anyone. Unless, it’s my wife. I can't wait to see you out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In reference to your first paragraph, I am in that same spot right now! The stress is killing me! =)