Tuesday, November 13, 2007

what dreams are MADE of...

"Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you."
-Hebrews 13:5

There is no way to get around it, in order to succeed in life one must have money and the most common way of obtaining money in today’s society is to get a job. Money is what sustains us and it is what gives us the means to survival and beyond that it allows us to enjoy pleasures in life. In many ways, money drives us. With that being said it comes as no surprise that people who find a job for the sake of having money are often left unfulfilled. In order to refrain from this many people attend college to get a degree that will hopefully give them more options to find better jobs with better pay and in turn a better way of life. I, however, am a firm believer that money does not make you happy in the long term, but finding a job that you love.... will.
As a senior at the University of Oklahoma my time to find this dream job was fast approaching, and half way through my last semester I felt confused and much like I was the only one of my peers that had absolutely no clue what they would be doing with their diploma. However, that all changed when I was browsing on the internet one day, for what I don’t recall, and came across the Web site prcouture.com. The name itself sparked my interest and I delved further into what the site was about, and as I researched the idea of Fashion PR became extremely intriguing to me.

Ultimately my dream job would have to be designing clothes for a living because I think it is very important to do something that you are passionate about and fashion is one of the only things I know it would be hard for me to get tired of. A few of the steps I am currently taking to accomplish this dream are: I applied to a fashion school in Las Vegas and will attend in April 2008. I also ingest as much fashion as I can be it through television, magazines, or internet. I know I can accomplish my goal of having my dream job because my public relations degree will give me the tools I need to market myself to the media and other outlets and my fashion degree will give me the skills I need to be a designer.

Fashion is a fast-paced and ever-changing career and I think that is why I love it so much. I decided to continue my education with fashion because having the two degrees will broaden my opportunities upon graduation. I will have the option to do fashion design, fashion pr, or public relations in any realm I choose. It is necessary to be specialized in today’s job market because there are so many more college graduates then there have been in generations past.

There is a long list of designers I admire because of their individuality and uniqueness in the fashion world. It is important to be a brand as a fashion designer and some of my favorites are: Betsey Johnson, Christian Dior, and Chanel.

“Making clothes involves what I like…color, pattern, shape and movement…I like the everyday process…the people, the pressure, the surprise of seeing the work come alive walking and dancing around on strangers. Like red lipstick on the mouth, my products wake up and brighten and bring the wearer to life…drawing attention to her beauty and specialness…her moods and movements…her dreams and fantasies.”

Betsey Johnson

I am most interested in haute couture because it allows you to be very personalized in your designs and I am a big fan of having a one-of-a-kind design. Fashion allows people to express themselves as them; we are what we wear essentially and for the reason that I want to dress people to make them feel good about themselves in their own skin by putting on the most amazing clothing they can.


Anonymous said...

thanks for reading! best of luck on your search - love the betsey quote.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you on the idea that in order to succeed you need money. Money, unfortunately, makes the world go 'round. So, with that being said, you are extremely lucky to have a passion and the dedication to go after a job that can give you both personal and professional gain. I myself LOVE fashion and any job that incorporates a love for fashion, is golden! Good luck in pursuing your goal of fashion designing. I have always been told if you put your mind to something, you will accomplish it! I know that is really cheesy, but whatever works..right?