Monday, February 18, 2008

Blogging as a PR Tool

Blogging as a PR Tool
By Sheila Frazier

This article discusses using blogging as a means to build a business. Blogging is a low-cost solution to public relations and marketing, but can it really work?

A recent American Express survey found that only 5% of businesses with fewer than 100 employees have blogs.

Blogging may not be for everyone. Aliza Risdahl, author of The Everything Blogging Book, said the best candidates for blogging are consultants, companies in a sector with a steep learning curve (like wine), or associated with particular lifestyles or social missions.

The main question you have to ask yourself before attempting this form of PR is if you will be able to update the blog regularly or not.

Blogging is a great way to get the word about something your company or organization is doing. It is very low-cost and extremely popular in this Internet age.

A possible drawback could be that anyone and everyone can blog, so if you do not get the word out about your blog, it could be drowned amongst all the other blogs you will be competing with. Today there are 8.5 million people blogging and a new blog is started every seven seconds.

Regardless of drawbacks, blogging still sounds like a good solution for the price. There is not much you can lose with this option. However, you really do have to do some research beforehand.

In order to make a successful blog, follow these steps:

1. Learn from others.
2. Read other company blogs.
3. Make it real.
4. Develop several blogging strategies.
5. Pitch blogs directly or set up a corporate blog.
6. Concentrate on a specific topic.
7. Read your blog before picthing it.

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