Be Responsible, The PR Way.
By: Tafara Cameron
By: Tafara Cameron
Advocacy in both the Public Relations and Marketing words are yet similar but not the same. The Texas Public Library Standards (distinctively identifies how standards that exist through marketing techniques and differ from Public Relations. Some examples include media messaging strategies, education and reaching their target publics, effectively.
The Book entitled, Ethics in Public Relations: Responsible Advocacy by Kathy Fitzpatrick and Carolyn Bronstein is a benchmark of being able to identify certain principles that exist within the concept of responsible advocacy in public relations. Fitzpatrick brilliantly connects the practical issues as well as the complexity and broadened ideas that are present in the 21-century.
But one may ask himself, how is ethics in public relations significant to us? Ethics in Public Relations not only explores the dimensions that are attained in the advocacy role, but often illustrates the keen timely issues and insights. One ethical issue highly favored in Public Relations is the idea of developing a Crisis communication plan or plan of execution. In a sense, this area of planning is highly expected in the profession. Many time professionals have to ideally reach beyond themselves in that situation and develop a plan that will protect and save individuals in a timely and responsible manner. They have to consider the odds and probabilities of something that could go wrong and harms that may be presented.
Responsible advocacy aims to explore the accountability of their publics in a larger scheme of things. The American Library Association (ALA) has created their own explanation of what advocacy in Public Relations consists of.
Purdue University's College of Liberal Arts offers a field of study to undertake named, Public Relations and Advocacy, in their Academia, so aspiring professionals can get an early start on becoming experts in with this idea of responsible advocacy.
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