Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Brett Favre also known as Haw

Brett Favre also known as Haw

By Kacie James

Doesn't this quote sounds familiar, "Brett Favre, the quarterback for the Green Bay Packers."

No, not anymore! As of Winter 2008, Favre was asked to resign from his position as the quarterback for the Green Bay Packers. After playing for 16 years, Packers management had to make a decision to keep Favre for a couple more years and risk losing their current quarterback, Aaron Rodgers, or ask Favre to retire. Obviously, they believed it was in their best interest to let go of Favre and focus on Rodgers.

This decision led Favre to move his cheese and prove it was a wise decision. At the age of 39, he now plays for the Minnesota Vikings, the team that defeated the Green Bay Packers on Monday, October 5, 2009.

Although Favre was unhappy with the incident that took place last Winter, his performance on Monday showed that he adapted to the changes in his career and continued to play with passion. Favre's football career is a great example of the principles illustrated in Spencer Johnson's book "Who Moved My Cheese?"

Just like Hem and Haw, Favre was complacent in his career for 16 years and then faced with an unwanted change. Initially, Favre had the same negative attitude as Hem and Haw. He wondered how they could do that to him and claimed their decision was not fair, but soon he developed the same thoughts as Haw and decided to "look for new cheese."

As Haw found his new cheese, so did Favre. Through his maze, Favre has found a new team that is currently undefeated and relit his flame that originally made him such a great player.

Photo received from google images.

1 comment:

Mikaela said...

Sometimes revenge tastes really good.