Tuesday, October 6, 2009

David Letterman Scandal

David Letterman extortion suspect Robert Halderman threatens press as he goes to bank, cleaners

Sunday, October 4th 2009, 4:00 AM

Suspected David Letterman extortionist Robert 'Joe' Halderman carries his dry cleaning during a brief outing from his home in Norwalk, Conn.
Hagen for News
Suspected David Letterman extortionist Robert 'Joe' Halderman carries his dry cleaning during a brief outing from his home in Norwalk, Conn.

Alone and angry, the hotshot CBS producer accused of extorting David Letterman left his home Saturday to go - where else - to the bank.

A day after he was charged with trying to shakedown Letterman, Joe Halderman emerged from his Connecticut home and barked at reporters camped outside.

"Get off my property or I'll call the police," the rattled news vet, who is free on $200,000 bail, said. "This is a private road. If I see one more of you guys on this road, I will call the cops. This is trespassing - it's against the law."

Dressed in an Arizona State University shirt and a Titleist golf hat, Halderman hurried to his gray Honda Accord for a quick trip to the bank and laundermat. It was unclear if the Bank of America he visited was the same branch where he deposited the phony $2 million check Letterman gave him as part of a sting operation.

Later in the day, Halderman received a visit from a middle-aged couple and a young teen. Halderman gave the woman a long hug when she met him at his door. He muttered something, eliciting laughter from the trio who left after a couple of hours.

Prosecutors say Halderman tried to shake down the multimillionaire because a divorce from his wife, Patty Montet, had left him in debt, saddled with $6,000 a month in support payments.

Friends said he also was distraught that Montet had moved to Colorado with their 11-year-old son earlier this year. He recently split with his girlfriend, Stephanie Birkitt, 34, a "Late Show" staffer believed to be one of Letterman's "other women."

Halderman has reported from more than 70 countries during his award-winning 30-year career and covered complex crimes for "48 Hours." Colleagues were stunned by allegations that he left a blackmail threat - in the form of a screenplay treatment about Letterman's dalliances - in the host's car and then tried to collect $2 million from him.

"I am surprised, mystified and stunned to hear these allegations against Halderman," former CBS anchor Dan Rather told People magazine. "They are almost impossible to believe. He was always a solid character, steady, reliable, and a good, swift writer."

The current scandal that is going on with late night talk show host David Letterman is a perfect example of "Who Moved My Cheese?" because he is now going through something that is affecting his life and could put his career in jeopardy. A CBS producer was reported to threatening Letterman to give him $2 million dollar to protect Letterman from the information of the scandal getting out. An intern is also spilling information on Letterman. Supposively, Letterman has had various sexual relations with women that work in his show that he would like to keep unnamed and in private for the sake of these women's safety. Letterman addressed the scandal on national television during his show last Thursday evening, October 1. He tried to make it funny and shook it off that it was not that big of a deal. The producer Joe Halderman is thought to be the extortionist. There have been reports that Letterman's wife is very hurt and upset about this scandal. Letterman's cheese is being moved because this has become and inconvenience for him, even thought this was something that he indirectly caused because he does admit to having these relations with these people on his staff. This is affecting his job, reputation, and even his home life. Many people are shocked that Halderman is thought to be the man threatening Letterman in this hard time. Although he pleaded not guilty to the charges of larceny. He is currently suspended from his job and could face up to 15 years in jail. Letterman on the other hand is not completely giving his side of the story.

1 comment:

Dr. C said...

well, you certainly picked something from today's headlines! What do you think will happen next?