Saturday, October 3, 2009

MIke and Nike

By: Shayla Boone

According to Michael Vick has resigned an endorsement with Nike.  This is the first endorsement that he has been able to rekindle after serving an 18-month sentence in Federal Prison for dog fighting.  Nike originally signed Vick as a rookie to the league in 2001; but ended his contract six years later after he filed a plea agreement admitting his involvement in the dog-fighting ring.  This is an excellent story to explore through the  ‘Who Moved My Cheese?’ book by Spencer Johnson.

 In this case Michael Vick’s cheese can be considered his Nike endorsement.   This cheese was lost as a result of him being complacent like Hem and Haw, he felt that because he had his cheese that it would be there and he would have nothing to worry about, but based upon decisions that he made his cheese moved.  The profound part is that Vick had his ‘ah ha’ moment like Haw in the book and took ownership for his mistake.  He apologized for his mistake and completed everything that was ordered of him by the judge.  Since this was all done without a huge rebuttal there was not much backlash when he returned to the NFL, which could be good sign for future endorsements. 

1 comment:

Mikaela said...

It's good when sports stars come back and apologize for mistakes, good role models.