Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's Been Fun

Time Well Spent

By Aaron Vossen

Throughout my time at OU I have ventured in many different directions. I have thought I would have been a doctor by now, an astronaut, an FBI agent, and at some point in my life I even thought I might be a SWAT guy. But none of these ever seemed to work. None of these were my passion; none of these seemed to fit. Then I began looking at what I do enjoy, conversation, public speaking, and fighting for what I believe in. The answer was Public Relations.

Public Relations had always been in the back of my head because of what my father does, but I had never taken it seriously. Now I look at my life, and I know it where I want to be. I have had a great time learning new skills, and honing in on skills that I never new I had but that I already had.

In my future I would like to work for a corporate company such as AT&T or some other big corporate office such as Devon, Chesapeake, or Conoco Phillips, but as far as I am concerned I would take anything at this point in my life because I have been trained and I can achieve these things but anything is better than nothing for a college graduate.

The last thing I would like to look at is my alternative. Here recently I have found myself wanting to practice law. I don’t know why this ambition has come to mind but for whatever reason I really, really want to. I would love to visit KU and get this because I am a huge Kansas fan. If it doesn’t work out then I have still had a fun ride and I hope others enjoy the ride as much as I have, no matter which ride they choose.

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