Saturday, November 14, 2009

Only Time Will Tell

Photograph by:

Jacqui Latimer

Only Time Will Tell

Like everyone else reaching the end of their adventure as a college student, I wonder what comes my way as a new PR professional. Luckily, when I look back at what I’ve gained during my time at OU, especially Gaylord College, I gain a sense of comfort and confidence that I will be just fine.

Though I was pretty confident public relations would be the right degree for me, it is only natural that I sometimes questioned if I made the right choice. Thankfully, Gaylord and my professors put a stop to the questions and led me through the best three years of my life thus far. With client work in classes, study abroad and pressure to obtain an internship, I gained the knowledge and skills that will help propel me into a career as a PR professional.

Not only has Gaylord proven to me that PR is what I need to be doing, but it also helped me find my passion in PR. Having worked with several non-profit organizations now through classes and my internship, I have a newly discovered passion to work in the non-profit sector of PR, working mainly on human rights issues.

To help me prepare for such a career, I plan on attending grad school at the University of Denver for an MBA in international relations. After completing my master’s, I hope to serve 27 months in the Peace Corps and return to begin international relations work worldwide.

While this goal is just that, a goal, I believe Gaylord has equipped me with the right tools to accomplish this goal and to become a well-established PR practitioner in the near future.

Yes, the future is scary. Yes, it is unknown. We can hope for the best and work our tails off to get where we want to be, but the truth of the matter is: only time will tell.

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