Monday, November 9, 2009

All Sports. All the Time.

By: Kati O'Kelley

When I first arrived in college, I had no idea what I wanted to do. I knew I liked working with people and planning events. I also loved to write and had a strong background in journalism. After trying many different majors, I finally decided on public relations and haven't looked back since. One of the first things I was told about being a public relations major was the importance of internships. After working a small internship at the Harn Homestead Museum in Oklahoma City, I applied and got my current internship at Oklahoma City All Sports.

In my year with Oklahoma City All Sports, I have learned and grown as a public relations student. On my first night with All Sports, I worked the All College Basketball Classic and fell in love with sports PR. Working with the media and seeing behind the scenes of a sporting event was exciting and even though I am no sports expert, I was having a blast. Since then, I have worked numerous event with All Sports ranging from the Women's College World Series to the Big 12 Basketball Tournament.

It is not only the events that I love about sports PR, it is the work that goes into the events that is the most exciting. All Sports has shown me that these things are not put together over night, but it takes months and months of hard work to put on a successful even of any kind. Be that a Board Dinner or a Baseball Tournament. I have also learned that working together makes for a better product.

With the combination of my education and my real world experience, I feel confident moving forward into the world of working professionals. I am currently working two internships; the first at All Sports and the other at The Brides of Oklahoma Magazine. My advice to other public relations majors would be to get as much experience outside of school as possible. Through all of my outside experiences, I have learned not only about public relations but about myself. I have learned that, yes, it can be scary out there but if I work hard, I can do anything I put my mind to!

Photo: Lauren Burkholder, Natalie Beasley

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