Friday, November 13, 2009

No More Questioning

No More Questioning by Katie Whittern

As I look back on my four years here at the University of Oklahoma, I sometimes wonder what my life would be like had I taken a different route. What if I decided to go to Oklahoma State University and major in Fashion Merchandising like I had originally planned? What if I had stayed a business major here at OU? What if I had decided against taking my internship at AT&T this past summer in Dallas?

I could sit for days and wonder how different my life would be had I chosen a different path. But to be completely honest with you...I'm glad I chose the path I did.

I'm glad I chose OU over OSU... all of my best friends and now roommates are from OU.
I'm glad I strayed away from the business college... honestly I probably would have failed out of all my classes and switched to public relations anyway.
I'm glad I put on my big girl panties and interned AWAY from home this summer... I grew up a lot, learned so much and met a lot of awesome people.

There are probably hundreds of decisions I have made over the years I could question. But, I don't. Why waste your time? As cliche as it might be, I believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe you make the choices you make for a reason. I believe everyone is right where they are supposed to be. Pardon the motivational speaker moment I just had by the way.

So, as I look back on my last four years of college, I am happy with the decisions I made. They led me to this exact apartment with these exact friends on this exact computer writing for this exact class for this exact major at this exact school... and I would not have it any other way.

As I bring this sappy post to a close, I have a few words of wisdom... if you want to call it that.

1. Be happy with where you are in life and if you are not, do something about it. 2. Always try new things to add some spice to your life. Don't let your life get repetitive and boring. 3. Don't waste your time questioning your past decisions. They are made. Move on and make the best out of where you are right now.

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