Thursday, April 8, 2010


By: Shea Cannon

Get up and go is the biggest theme for new and upcoming trends in 2010. According to Chris Turner, Senior analyst for, the biggest trend in 2010 will be the uprising of mobile usage. The mobile industry boomed this year with every company putting out devices with all access mobile phones. People have this “get up and go” attitude. They no longer want to go find something in the phone book or online. They want to be on their way. It’s the convenience of instant access and the ability to do anything while carrying a small device that has the capability of a phone book, a computer, and more all at your finger tips.

Other trends are still emerging for the future, including going green. Every company will be going green, because of the high rise of the concept in communities, but also because Turner believes new restrictions will arise placing limitations on companies and organizations to better the environment. Another trend that goes along with the get up and go attitude is the idea that companies and organizations need to be easier to find. Consumers do not want to have to search, they want to be able to find what they are looking for easily. Turner gives an example of a great way this is incorporated. Kogi Koren BBQ out of LA have two trucks that drive around the city. As they drive around they tweet their locations to make it easier for customers to find them. According to Turner and the professionals at, they believe this is going to be a huge way for businesses and organizations to get more awareness and raise their profit margin. One other trend that I find really interesting, is the trend for generosity. The idea that companies are pairing with the community to be able to give to those in need, is a growing concept that the public is really taking a liking to. For example, Tom’s Shoes. His shoes don’t have much to them, but the idea that people are helping someone in need and can make a difference, gives them the incentive to purchase Tom’s Shoes.

While all these trends are rising, the one I find most interesting is the mobile boom. I think this trend is going to have the biggest impact on public relations and the way we promote products and services. I think this will have the biggest impact because if we can’t reach consumers this way, we may be loosing out on a whole generation of consumers. Public relations has to be able to roll with the punches or they might miss huge opportunities. This is why knowing trends and how to incorporate them is so important.

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