Monday, April 12, 2010

Industry changes affect public relations employment

Industry changes affect public relations employment

Katlin Francis

April 12, 2010

Public relations is not an isolated field encapsulated in a bubble. Even the slightest market trends and changes can drastically affect a PR campaign. For instance, the current fad is corporate responsibility and going green. If a small change can alter strategies and tactics think of the larger changes. Current legislature is making big changes and deserves watchful public relations attention. The new health care reforms will result in an influx of stimulus dollars. This one example can spell the end of one public relation's practitioner's job and the beginning of a new job opening.

In the economic downturn every one wants job security, this is no different in public relations and a developing trend is fluid employment changes. While reading the news is already a PR necessity, keeping tabs on changes coming from the White House will give a prepared practitioner a much needed edge in the marketplace. By surveying the political scene a well informed practitioner will be ready if their job is about to be dissolved or the opportunity for new and better employment arises.

Public relations industries need to follow the money in order to avoid becoming extinct and continue evolving. Technology plays and important factor in keeping up on industry trends. The growth and development of social media is heralded as the newest public relations and advertising necessity. Clients want to stay fresh in the minds of their target audiences and need public relation practitioners familiar with the newest technological trends and techniques such as viral videos which are impossible to promise.

image created in Photoshop by Katlin Francis

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