Wednesday, October 20, 2010

$24K Event 2010

$24K Event brought back due to popular demand
By: Christy French
Photo: David House "The DFW House Guy"

Due to the poor economy and homes not be able to be sold at their full value, Coldwell Banker is bringing back their $24K Event. This program allows their clients the chance to gain extra publicity for their home. In order to have their home listed in the Event, all they have to do is speak to their Coldwell Banker sales associate. The Event features hundreds of homes, varying in price and type of home buyer.

The event was first implemented in 2009 and was such a great success that Coldwell Banker wanted to launch it again for 2010. The company's goal for the event is to have the homes listed to as many potential buyers as possible through the use of different media outlets. In addition to the selling aspect of the event, the twist for this year's event is the sales associate who closes a transaction with a potential buyer will be eligible for the $24K grand prize. Sue Meyer, president of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, says other real estate companies are also eligible to participate.

For the event, Coldwell Banker is planning to launch e-mail campaigns on, newspaper advertising and editorials, and even partake in online marketing. Additionally, the home seller has the option to place a yard sign in their yard to distinguish the home as a $24K Event listing.

More information can be obtained about the $24K Event and Coldwell Banker by visiting, or contacting the manager of Coldwell Banker's 19 offices in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

1 comment:

Mikaela said...

Interesting campaign.