Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Public Relations Professionals

Professional Blog 
Denise Hawkins graduated from the University of Central Oklahoma with a degree in Marketing. She has been happily married to her husband Tom Hawkins for over 25 years. She has two stepchildren. Before coming to Buy For Le$$ and taking the position of Marketing Director, Denise worked at the Daily Oklahoman and Mathis Brothers in their Marketing departments.
Denise has been at Buy For Le$$ for the past 5 years, and has enjoyed every day she has been there. She coordinates and oversees all marketing functions for the entire company on a daily basis. This includes all media, ads, social media, web and video. As a director, she manages a team of eight people in marketing, graphic design and web. She insists that good communication skills, the ability to manage a team of professionals and a positive attitude are all important skills to have when in a leadership position involving marketing.

Challenges and Rewards
“Not all days are easy ones,” said Hawkins. “Sometimes the work is tedious and stressful. However, I find so much reward in knowing that I am helping out the company and spreading our name in the community. My favorite part of the job is helping in the community. Those are my favorite tasks to coordinate.”

Hawkins had a few pieces of advice for those hoping to enter the field of marketing and climb the ladder to management. “The key to success is experience, knowledge and surrounding yourself with other skilled professionals in order to create a team that generates success,” said Hawkins. “Be persistent and always work hard. People will notice hard work and determination.”

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