Monday, September 3, 2007

Can We Forgive A Star?


Can We Forgive A Star?
By Dusty Lockhart

A week ago today Michael Vick, Atlanta Falcons former quarterback, delivered one of the most apologetic public addresses I’ve ever heard by a professional athlete. He has accepted all responsibility for his actions and asked forgiveness from everyone, including God. He apologized to all the young kids and said his actions were immature and admitted that he even has some growing up to do [].

I am one of the biggest dog lovers out there and believe me when I say, no one was more disgusted with these actions than me. With that being said, I have to admit Vick has been my quarterback for fantasy football the past two years and I am a fan, until recently. If this were an average P.O.S. guy off the street I would pray for the judge to throw the book at him, but it’s Michael Vick. Let’s be real folks, we should be getting used to misconduct and federal offenses by the professional sports stars.

Vick pleaded guilty and could face up to six years in prison and $350,000 in fines [].

“So I got a lot of down time, a lot of time to think about my actions and what I’ve done and how to make Michael Vick a better person.” Vick said in his apology on Monday [].

Vick will receive his sentencing from U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson December 10 [].

A man that has already lost everything, including a $130 million contract and been suspended indefinitely by Rodger Goodell NFL commissioner, I feel Michael Vick is truly sorry for what he has done []. The Falcons franchise is also seeking the $22 million signing bonus they released to Vick in 2004 []. I know the timing is convenient, but after hearing his press conference I hope the guy serves his time and gets on with his life.

So I ask, can we forgive a guy like Michael Vick for these horrific events that have transpired? I personally wish the guy the best of luck in the near future and hope he can return to the NFL because I enjoy watching him doing what he loves. As for the forgiveness, I leave that to the dogs.

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