Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Hearing Bush's optimism, just plain rhetoric or promise?

By Matthew Wall

Like me, many American’s are harboring some sense of war fatigue, as President Bush so eloquently stated back in July. The question that people are getting restless and tired of this droning war in Iraq is really an understatement. But trying to push politics aside for the time being, is there ever going to be positive morale in the United States again? Well look no further, because the self-proclaimed “Decider” is looking through his optimistic eyes, as he usually does considering all things Iraq. But for real this time, I may have seen a slight budge in our stubborn leader’s waltz this past weekend.

President Bush made an unannounced visit to the Al-Asad Air Base in Iraq this past weekend. This was Bush’s third secret trip to Iraq in four years falling directly in the middle of Congress’s recess. So what was all the talk about this past weekend? Well during a speech in front of U.S. Marines and Soldiers on Sunday Bush sounded hopeful about the possibility of a troop withdrawal given the recent status of the troop surge that commenced back in January.

Bush stated, “They tell me if the kind of success we are now seeing continues, it will be possible to maintain the same level of security with fewer American forces.” This comes one week from General David Patraeus and U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker’s meeting with lawmakers to testify about Iraq’s current situation. This also comes two weeks before White House Spokesman Tony Snow resigns. Soon to follow, Snow’s successor will be the start of a fresh face at the front of the administration’s PR controls. Bush also said, “In other words when we begin to draw down troops from Iraq, it will be from a position of strength and success, not from a position of fear and failure.” The withdrawal of troops, depending on Iraq’s progress, could start as early as next spring.

Could this be just plain rhetoric from a severely criticized administration? Or could this be a sign of change in Bush’s foreign policy? I’m praying and hoping for the latter. So I’m staying optimistic.


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