Sunday, September 2, 2007

Helping to Raise Awareness on Child Abuse

Whenever the subject of child abuse is mentioned, the first thing that usually pops into our heads is physical child abuse, where the parents beat and/or sexually abuse their child. However, what we do not think about are the other types of abuse endured by children, such as: emotional, spiritual and verbal. While the physical abuse is visually noticeable, all forms of abuse have the same negative affects.

Carnival Against Child Abuse is just one of many blogs who raise awareness on child abuse. They discuss all elements of child abuse as well as highlight stories of child abuse survivors. And Safe Child, Child Abuse goes more into depth over each element of child abuse.

The Community Coalition Against Family Violence is a site that gives different tips on how to prevent abuse and has a list services for victims. They report that one in three girls is sexually abused by the age of eighteen, and one in six boys.

What’s great about these blogs and websites, like Child Welfare Information Gateway is that they not only have links pertaining to defining and identifying child abuse; they also have links dedicating to preventing and responding to abuse.

Sites such as Kids First accept donations to help educate professionals on child abuse issues and to provide direct assistance to the abused children. Organizations such as these rely heavily on public donations to meet operating costs.

Before doing this research, I was not aware of the alarming statistics about child abuse. It’s amazing to me that parents are even capable of doing such things. Parents are supposed to love and nurture their children, not harm and abuse them.

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