Friday, October 26, 2007

Abercrombie & Fitch…a pretentious workplace or the key to success?

As the time comes to graduate, everyone is buckling down to find jobs in the “real world.” As I search the Internet for different jobs in the PR field, looking at job descriptions and locations, I don’t find anything that interests me. Then one day I was looking at the upcoming on-campus interviews provided by the OU Career Services sight, and the Manager-In-Training position at Abercrombie and Fitch caught my eye.

Many of you are probably thinking, why would some who works so hard for four years to get a degree from a major university like OU get a job as a manager at a retail store in the mall? To be honest, I thought that myself when I worked at Hollister back in high school. What some of you may not know, in order to even be considered for a management position at Abercrombie and Fitch, a bachelor’s degree is required.

I’m sure that’s not reason enough to convince you of why it is a good idea to interview for this job. As a manager at Abercrombie and Fitch or one of their other stores, Abercrombie, Hollister Co. or Ruehl 925 this leaves room for many promotions and the chance to transfer to the city of your dreams.

Ever since I came back from school in England, I’ve wanted to move back. And it just so happens that Abercrombie has recently opened a store in London. What the perfect opportunity. But if I decided to change my mind before it was my time to transfer, then I could choose a big city in the United States that I’ve always wanted to live in.

As I mentioned before, I used to work at Hollister and it was honestly my favorite job as a kid. So if offered the opportunity to join the team again, especially holding a higher position, I’ll be excited to accept the offer and see where I end up.


Anonymous said...

I think it would be fun to have an upper posistion in retail like A&F. I worked there as well in high school and although it is not appealing as a floor rep being a manager would be fun with great travel experience!

Anonymous said...

I actually had a friend who did that exact thing and his loving his job right now. I think it sounds like a great opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I never knew that about Abercrombie. That's pretty interesting. And don't worry about convincing anyone but yourself.

Anonymous said...

I was so glad when I saw this post on your blog. I've been having a tug of war i8n my head for a few months now b/c I was asked to consider the MIT program at Hollister. I'm actually going for the interview this month. Im graduating in May with a bachelors in PR. I was thinking, what am I doing I'm wasting my degree! But actually I think it could be a really good opportunity and would look great on a resume for the future.