Sunday, October 28, 2007

The City of Norman: How classy is a city so trashy?

The City of Norman has a constant problem with litter on the streets and highways. It turns what could be a beautiful city into one that resembles something closer to a trash dump.

In a campaign aimed at changing this problem, we have decided to focus on the slogan, “Keep Norman Classy, Don’t be Trashy.” We want to change the perception attached to the city. Instead of people viewing Norman as a dumpy college town, the perception should transcend to that of a classy, beautiful town.

The City of Norman has a litter crew consisting of only five men to pick up the litter all over Norman. In 2003 the crew picked up 6.73 tons of trash per crew member. In the first six months of 2004, the crew picked up 1.8 tons per person, then the crew was abolished. The litter crew was reinstated August 1, 2007. It now consists of one full time staff member and four contract labor personnel. The primary cleanup areas are the portal entries of Norman, major arterial roads, major section line roads, and locations where special events are planned.

We are working on producing a special event that is an extended take on something the university group OUr Earth does. They hand out trash bags on game days to keep the littering down. We thought this could be a good way to hit a big audience with several of our publics. We are going to hand out trash bags along with flyers for the city to raise awareness of the problem. This will be done at the OU v. Texas A&M game on Saturday, November 3, 2007.

Because one of the special event that day, this is a key opportunity to help the problem and raise awareness. We’ll see how classy we can make Norman, because the goal is just that, “Keep Norman Classy, Don’t be Trashy.”


Anonymous said...

I think this sounds like a great event. It makes me sad that Norman is viewed as trashy because the campus itself is so beautiful and well kept.

Anonymous said...

I agree completely with your campaign! I love the slogan!

Anonymous said...

A funny story pertaining to "trashy" Norman. I was sitting in my car on campus and a Keep Norman Beautiful dump truck drove past me. I couldn't help but laugh because it said Keep Norman Beautiful but the trash it had picked up was blowing uncontrollably all over the road.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I love your slogan. It is really catchy. I can totally see that on a billboard or something. It seems like a good idea to hand out trash bags on game days to promote cleaning up the city. Did it work?