Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Beginning of a New Chapter

The Beginning of a New Chapter

By Melia Wright

As the time for graduation is nearing, applying and interviewing for jobs constantly weighs on the mind of graduating seniors. It should at this point in time for many, as for myself, I will have to put off a full-time career for a few more years of being a student.

I always viewed the ACT as the most important test I would take in my life, until now. Four years after taking the ACT I am now preparing for the GRE, something I had never even heard about in high school, in hopes to make the transition into graduate school.

Since I was a young girl I have always envisioned working in the world of sports. As I have learned more about the field and what I need to do in order to succeed in the world of sports, I have found that it is in my best interest to put off the “real world” for another two years and earn my master’s in Sports Management.

While earning my master’s I hope to gain experience by working in the Athletic Department of the university I attend. Once my master’s degree is completed and I have gained a few years experience, I hope to enter my dream job as the Director of Event Management in sports. It is a job in which I can use not only my master’s degree in Sports Management, but also my bachelor’s degree in Public Relations.

Because of my love for sports and goal of one day working in this field, I immediately began searching for internships in this field. As a public relations student, an internship is almost a must in order to get a job in this competitive field. I received an internship at the Oklahoma City All Sports Association and after a semester of working with them, my love for sports was reinforced and I knew the area of sports is where I had to be.

Earning my master’s is the next step I need to take in order to reach my goal and the University of San Francisco is where I hope to take this next step. It not only has one of the top sports management programs in the nation but the time and effort you put into earning your master’s at USF pays off well and almost guarantee’s each of its graduates a job in the field of sports.

I have found throughout my four years in college that many people do not enjoy, appreciate, or even use the degree they earned in college. I am not one of those people, for I am very excited to use not only my bachelor’s degree but also my master’s. I thoroughly enjoy the world of public relations and all that it entails and I look forward to using my public relations skills specifically in the world of sports. It would be a dream of mine to earn my master’s and enter the “real world” in an area that I love so much.


Anonymous said...

This post really relates to me. I am aslo a PR major and wish to find a job in PR sports. This gives me an idea of what I need to do to aspire that goal!

Anonymous said...

Don't lose sight of your dream. It sounds like you know what you want even if that means more schooling. The end is in sight and time will fly by. Soon you'll be the Director of Event Management.

EmilyBlakeWorthen said...

wow! the University of San Fransico. I think this is really admirable, Melia. I really hope you continue to pursue this goal because the world needs people to be more passionate in their work. I also believe that having the father that you do will have a tremendous impact on the amount of opportunity you will have in your future. Best of luck!