Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Global warming hits home.

-Joshua M. Jones

With the outbreak of rampant wildfires in southern California and Al Gore being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize it seems as if the dangers of global warming are finally hitting home, too bad it is literally…

A recent study came out that said in the past three years 24% of the North-pole’s ice caps have melted, far faster than was previously believed.

Never in our history has such a large problem been eclipsed by so many smaller issues. And the problem is that it is almost impossible to gain universal momentum on such a ”macro-issue.” You see, for the average person it is difficult to feel the effects of global warming or to even consider them believable, and here in lies our paradox: We won’t understand this crisis until it is too late.

So what can we do…? Act.

The new recycling initiative here in Norman is just that, a chance to act. A small opportunity to get off the couch and make an impact. No matter how small or trivial it might be. Because to save our planet, and it is nothing less, we have to engage every citizen in a small way. Once everyone is doing something we will have the headway for the big pushes and sacrifices. It doesn’t help that the American people haven’t been called to task for really anything in the past 25 years, but I don’t believe we have forgotten what it is to sacrifice for the greater good. The beauty of such a small initiative is that it is exactly what we should be doing to get everyone on same page about something as big as global warming.

So, on March 1st, 2007 when you receive your recycling bins, don’t throw them in the corner only to be forgotten, look at them and spend some time thinking about the big difference such a small action can make.

P.S. A note on the dangers of traditional waste management.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Global Warming is scary and needs to be handled. But you're right, it's hard to get people to understand just how serious it is because they are not immediately affected.