Sunday, October 28, 2007

Let the transition begin

Let the transition begin

By Matthew Wall

It’s always a tough day after graduation. I mean after high school I knew I was heading off to college to start something new and exciting. But it was that first rush of sheer panic that really scared me; what was I going to do with my life. The good news is I found my direction, just as life tends to lead us. It took a while out of the gate, but things always tend to run the right course.

It’s sometimes interesting to look back and trace my path to the University of Oklahoma. Because I never thought I would be studying public relations. Funny enough, I was a finance major when I arrived here. So now once again I stand at the brink of transition.

In December I will face that troubling fear again. The fear of what am I going to do with my life. The good news is once again I have a plan and a direction. Following graduation this December, I plan on hopefully earning a commission in the United States Marine Corps or the United States Navy. In the military I want to work in the field of public affairs.

This would expectantly send me to Washington D.C. where I, ultimately, want to be. I also, one day, want to run for public office. This has long been an aspiration for me to serve this great country. I feel with the skills I have learned while at OU I could have a successful career in public service. I believe the best quality I have attained through the study of journalism and public relations is remembering to always to the honest thing, even if it is the unpopular thing.


Anonymous said...

I have changed majors twice since I have been at OU and I understand the uncertainty of whether or not you made the right decision for my major.

Anonymous said...

You have the same fears I do! It's nice to know we aren't alone!

Anonymous said...

Your post gave me hope. I am a PR senior this year still trying to figure out what it is I want to do with my life. Good to hear someone has the same anxiety.

Anonymous said...

I think that it is awesome that you have found your plan and direction. But I think it is even more amazing that you are planning to go into the military! My dad was in the Marine Corps for 20 years (he also graduated from OU). Going into the service will open more doors for you than you could ever imagine! Good luck in achieving all your goals!