Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bridges, formerly known as ILSY

Bridges, formerly known as ILSY
Katie Puckett
As an OU Public Relations campaign group, Team Purple was first presented with a client in hopes of implementing a new name for their unique program.  

Independent Living Services for Youth or ILSY, located in Norman, OK has recently undergone such a change. The program that helps high school students who live alone to succeed, has changed its name to Bridges. Such an important change for an agency means revamping everything from brochures to street signs. Team Purple has been working hard to implement this new and huge change for the non-profit organization.  

Team Purple first conducted primary research such as surveys and focus groups for the United Way of Norman agency. Through this research, our team got ideas from our key publics about what elements the new name should consist of. We presented our three name choices to the ILSY board members and after much anticipation, the name, Bridges, was chosen. After the new name was confirmed, Team Purple asked the Bridges' staff to give us feedback on a new logo for the organization. After hearing the staff's input, Team Purple designed three sample logos. Our team is now in the process of designing invitations and planning an open house event along with a news conference to promote the new name and logo.  

Team Purple and I are excited to move forward with our campaign and overall hope to bring Bridges more volunteers, donations and most importantly, awareness.

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