Monday, March 24, 2008

Name Change Implementation

Name Change Implementation
by Holly Jones
There are many factors that are implemented when an organization undergoes a name change. Not only can choosing a new name become difficult, but it can also be costly and ineffective if not completed correctly.
Just recently, Independent Living Services for Youth has undergone such a change. The organization is now known as Bridges, and is in the very early stages of the implementation process.
Impowering students who live alone to succeed. The organization has created a new tagline to follow their new logo which are both user friendly and describes the organization better than the original. These items will be the new uniform for all of the organizations documents and promotional materials.
There are three PR Campaigns groups who are assisting with the development of the new identity for Bridges. Each group is taking the lead on branding the new organization. The organization will need new brochures, press materials, fliers, signage, and to design a magnet to leave with people for later use. The groups are also coordinating an event for the organizations internal publics to help reveal the new name. The event will help to establish the new identity within the community and supporters for the organization.
The branding of the organization will also lead to other services needed by community members. These services include: volunteer opportunities, donation of goods, tutoring hours, and many other beneficial services that are needed by the students in this program.
For more cartoons on name change, clich here.

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